Precision applications are sensitive to high performance. NHB Ball & Roller has a culture that demands high commitment from all employees to deliver superior products on a daily basis. With a culture of continual improvement, the NHB Group is rapidly gaining presence on a global scale.
With continuous investments in technology, systems, and training, NHB has transformed itself from a bicycle balls manufacture to over 1000’s of high precision applications that affect everyone’s daily life.
Understanding the needs of the customer, NHB’s 9 warehouses globally deliver Just in time service to cater to fluctuating demands and ensure satisfaction.
Our Vision
“ Leadership Through Quality ”
Demanding applications have always been the focal point of NHB. Leadership through quality means that any decision we take is driven by the impact that it will take on the long term value we provide to our customers
We believe that this vision can give us a sustainable advantage in the global market place.
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TPM Strong Commitment Award